Teen 3D Printer Class
A Teen 3D Printer Class will be held at 4:30 p.m. in the Teen Makerspace. Registration is required; the class is limited to five participants. For teens, ages 12 to 18.
Senior Coffee Time
2nd Floor Conference RoomEnjoy a social time with friends old and new around coffee (or tea!) and games. For seniors 60 and older. 10-12 on Fridays in the 2nd floor conference room (except 4th Fridays, which are in the 1st floor meeting room)
Hear It, See It, Make It, Take It: Sensory Story Time
1st Floor Meeting RoomSensory program designed for youth of various ability levels including differently-abled youth. Saturdays at 11 a.m. in the 1st Floor Meeting Room
Girl Scout Cookies
DPL LobbyTroop 2918 is selling Girl Scout Cookies in the library's lobby. This organization is using our space for their program. The program is not sponsored by Danville Public Library. To schedule use of our meeting rooms, email Jessica Augustson at jaugustson@danvillepubliclibrary.org