Virtual Program
The DPL Writers’ Group
2nd Floor Conference RoomThe DPL Writers' Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 6:00 - 7:30PM, on Zoom and in-person at the Library. We discuss various topics including and not limited to our current writing progress, self-publishing resources, and topics to assist in learning about the tricks and tools of writing.
Board of Trustees Building Committee Meeting
This meeting occurs at 4:15 on the 2nd Tuesday, every other month, except when there is no business to discuss. Location: If our region is in Phase 4 or Restore Illinois, the meeting will be on Zoom. If our region is in Phase 5, the meeting will be in the 2nd floor conference room.
The DPL Writers’ Group
2nd Floor Conference RoomThe DPL Writers' Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 6:00 - 7:30PM, on Zoom and in-person at the Library. We discuss various topics including and not limited to our current writing progress, self-publishing resources, and topics to assist in learning about the tricks and tools of writing.
The DPL Writers’ Group
2nd Floor Conference RoomWe discuss various topics including and not limited to our current writing progress, self-publishing resources, and topics to assist in learning about the tricks and tools of writing.