Girl Scout Cookies
DPL LobbyTroop 2918 is selling Girl Scout Cookies in the library's lobby. This organization is using our space for their program. The program is not sponsored by Danville Public Library. To schedule use of our meeting rooms, email Jessica Augustson at
The DPL Writers’ Group
2nd Floor Conference RoomThe DPL Writers' Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 4:00 - 5:30PM, only on Zoom. We discuss various topics including and not limited to our current writing progress, self-publishing resources, and topics to assist in learning about the tricks and tools of writing. Register for Zoom
Murder & a Meal Book Club
DPL Zoom RoomOur murder mystery book is rebranding itself to include dinner (because who doesn't love a good meal while discussing murder?) Let's share a meal over Zoom meal and talk about Glitter Bomb by Laura Childs. The audiobook is available on hoopla. 4:30 on Zoom Register Here