Library Building Committee Meeting
This meeting occurs at 4:00 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday, every other month, except when there is no business to discuss. Location: 2nd floor conference room.
Teen Monthly Party
Teen ZonePalentine's Party! Teen Zone will be having a party for teens. Come by for food, drinks, and games. February 14 at 4:00 p.m. in the Teen Zone. This event is […]
Teen Palentine’s Party!
Teen ZoneTeen Palentine's Party! Teen Zone will be having a Palentine's Party to celebrate friendship for Valentine's Day. Come hang out with your friends, have some sweet treats, play games and […]
Tween It!
Children's DepartmentFun programs for tweens every Tuesday. Ages 8-13 This program is funded by a grant from Danville Library Foundation.